Family relationships can be complex and sometimes emotions can get the better of us. Truth is, navigating family issues can be hard, that’s why I decided to search Amazon for the perfect guidebook.
I came across an award-winning book, Be The Bigger Person: Scenarios & Solutions to Better Yourself by Avni Parekh, and strongly believe that every family needs to have this book on their coffee table. It will prove helpful in navigating tricky interpersonal conflicts and maintaining self-control.
Additionally, Parekh’s book offers practical advice, easy-to-read takeaways, and words of wisdom to help improve communication, promote healthy boundaries, and foster peace of mind.
Here’s the background on Be The Bigger Person. It’s a well-written guide to dealing with 150 real-life situations that pertain to a person’s public and private lives. Focusing on chapter one, entitled “Family,” it offers tips on how to overcome the typical road bumps in family dynamics like conflicts with parents, misunderstandings between siblings, and disagreements with relatives. The book emphasizes on conflict resolution, which is essential for a peaceful coexistence. It also points out that as members of the family, we all have different personalities and must communicate better to understand each other.
In addition to that, the book highlights how faulty thought patterns can hamper the relationship between family members. Unhealthy communication often leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and hurt feelings. It’s important for families to know how to approach touchy topics without attacking each other. Parekh’s self-help book provides a template to follow when trying to communicate better in order to avoid hurt feelings. It also gives tips on how to listen effectively, which is the foundation of good communication.
More importantly, the book promotes the power of exerting self-control. Grudges and resentment can cause long-term damage or even a permanent strain on family relationships; and in the worst of cases, it can lead to violence. Self-control is not only a demonstration of class, it’s also a sign of someone who has mastered their mind.
Be The Bigger Person explains how to remain level-headed and why it matters. It explores the importance of understanding that every action has a consequence, and seeing the situation from an unbiased standpoint.
I was equally impressed by Parekh’s book club questionnaire, which can be downloaded at There are several thought-provoking questions that promote bonding and understanding. These questions are intended to bring family members together and help them get to know each other better. This can provide a new perspective that may lead to an understanding of why people act the way they do and help to identify the root of the problem.
All in all, Avni Parekh’s insightful book emphasizes that being the bigger person is a mindset that can be developed. It is about taking responsibility, being accountable, and putting aside personal ego.
Rather than waiting for others to act first, the book encourages readers to lead by example. The philosophy of being the bigger person and maintaining self-control is a skill that readers can use in other areas of life.
For those reasons, I recommend that every family should read — and display on their coffee table — Be The Bigger Person: Scenarios & Solutions to Better Yourself by Avni Parekh. Ideally, families will learn to communicate better, resolve conflicts, promote forgiveness, bond, and ultimately strengthen unity. And, if that doesn’t happen, they’ll at least learn to let bygones be bygones. With that being said, Parekh’s book might prove invaluable when overcoming difficult situations and trying to maintain a positive state of mind.