Author: TheSunTribune Staff

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Renowned British actor Tom Wilkinson, celebrated for his BAFTA-winning role in “The Full Monty” and Oscar-nominated performances in “Michael Clayton” and “In the Bedroom,” passed away suddenly at the age of 75. George Clooney, Michael McKean, and Richard Roeper, along with directors Scott Derrickson and J.A. Bayona, pay heartfelt tributes to the versatile and esteemed actor.

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In a significant legal development, national cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane has been convicted of rape by the Kathmandu District Court after a 15-month-long legal process. Background and Verdict The court’s single bench, presided over by Judge Shishir Raj Dhakal, delivered the verdict, concluding that Lamichhane had sexually assaulted a woman identified as Gushala-26 in a hotel in Tilganga on August 21, 2022. The court emphasized that there was no dispute regarding Lamichhane and the victim sharing the same hotel room where the incident occurred. According to the verdict, Lamichhane exploited the victim’s poor economic condition, leading to his conviction under clause…

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Canadian Former Fashion Tycoon Peter Nygard, 82, Found Guilty of Sexual Assault Toronto: Peter Nygard, the erstwhile founder of one of Canada’s major clothing brands, was convicted on Sunday of four counts of sexual assault, as announced by a Toronto court. The jury, after five days of deliberation, also cleared Finnish-Canadian Peter Nygard of one count of sexual assault against a woman who testified during the seven-week trial and one count of forcible confinement, as per Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice. The charges against the 82-year-old former fashion mogul involved four women and a 16-year-old girl, stemming from incidents that…

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Email remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience in the fast-paced world of digital marketing. While many marketers stick to conventional strategies, some pioneers dare to explore unconventional paths that lead to remarkable results. One such maverick is Sagar K.C., an email marketing expert who has redefined the landscape of email campaigns. In this article, we’ll delve into the unconventional email marketing tips and insights shared by the maestro, Sagar K.C. Personalization Beyond the Norm Sagar K.C.’s approach to personalization goes beyond merely addressing recipients by their first names. He advocates understanding the recipient’s interests, preferences,…

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Kamal Pandey, an expert in Digital Marketing Strategy, is renowned for driving robust online growth and visibility for diverse brands across the globe. As we navigate the dynamic world of digital marketing, Kamal Pandey has emerged as a significant figure, shaping the industry with his innovative and effective strategies. His portfolio tells a tale of success, showcasing how he has guided both national and international brands to soaring heights online. Growthzilla, a pioneering firm that offers streamlined salon and spa management software, is one of the many enterprises that have flourished under Kamal’s digital stewardship. With his profound grasp of SEO…

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